How to Do Ping Test on PC
How to Ping Test On PC PING PC - MODEM Step 1: First you must be sure whether customer using PPOA or PPOE account. Step 2: Open DOS Prompt window. Go to Start > Run > type in " cmd " . Then click " OK ". Step 3: You’ll get DOS window . Type " ipconfig " then press Enter . For PPOE Users If the Users is able to login, they should get a screen similar to the one shown below:- You’ll get 2 sets of adapters; 1. LAN Connection 2. Adapter for PPP session ( Streamyx connection/Modem) Basically if the customer cannot login, they will get 4 different types of results from the " ipconfig " command. CASE 1 – media disconnected General cause: connection problem between modem and PC. To do: Step 1: Ask to check connection between modem and PC including...